Blueberries are also rich in antioxidants, which is something people get really jazzed about when they're trying to sell you something. In all seriousness though, antioxidants eliminate something called free radicals, which are yipped up molecules that need to take a chill pill before they break something, like your DNA. You can read more about antioxidants here, but the long and short is that they're good but you don't need to buy anything expensive to obtain them. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
"BUT WAIT!" (you'll say) "Didn't blueberries peak at over 8 dollars a pound in fiscal year 2015/16, and at 6 dollars a pound in fiscal years 2017-2019? How can I follow your advice to eat more fruits and vegetables when they're so pricey? I'm too thrifty for this highfalutin' diet! Am I doomed to have my genetic code rent in twain by these over-caffeinated free radicals?"
Well, nerd, thanks for asking. You can grow the berries. In addition to their health benefits, blueberries are allegedly very easy to grow, but they do have some fussy predilections that are important to get right at the onset of your growing. There are two important elements that blueberries need to thrive according to my two weeks of research sorting between the facts and the opinions. Much like filthy degenerate hippies, blueberries like soft, fluffy, loamy ground and acid.
two blueberries in their natural habitat |
My plan is to plant my blueberries in these growing containers and then bury the growing containers in the soil around to protect the roots during the bitter cold New York winters. The containers will serve to maintain the soil acidity around the blueberries. I will incorporate sulfur and peat moss with the dirt I dug up to make the soil a little fluffier and more acidic. I'll be using this sulfur and testing the soil using this soil tester. (Disclaimer: All the links in this article are to Amazon, and if you use them to buy the products, I will get a portion of the proceeds. The price for you will not change! Think of it as a way to use Amazon while giving Jeff Bezos less of your money)
Blueberries like a soil pH of 4.5-4.8. They NEED a soil pH under 5.5.
Blueberries should be planted 4-5 feet away from each other.
Blueberries like full sun.
Blueberries need about 2 feet diameter bags to grow properly.
In an attempt to maintain self-sufficiency, all our plants should be providing a return on our investment. To this end, I want to analyze our inputs and outputs, and then compare that return on investment to the S&P 500 (over its lifetime)
The blueberries I purchased cost $70 dollars, the soil tester cost $10, the sulfur cost $23, and the bags cost $22. I'll also purchase some peat moss for I'm guessing about $25. Our total cost of startup is $150.
I found frozen blueberries at Walmart for $2.50 a pound. I think my blueberries will be better than that, but it's a good baseline to assess against. The lowest estimates for blueberry production per bush are about 15 lbs/year. With my 6 plants, I can expect 90 lbs of blueberries at peak production. Peak production will take 2 years to attain, and then I can expect production to continue for at least 20 years. Over 20 years, at 90 lbs/year, my $150 dollar investment will yield me 1,620 lbs of blueberries, at an estimated value of $4,050.00. This is an annualized Return on Investment (ROI) of 17.91%, which is a little more than double the lifetime return of the S&P 500.
There's more to be gained, also. It's possible to clone blueberries with cuttings, and further increase your return. That's a topic for another article.
In these times of economic turmoil, knowing that such tangible and functional returns are available is a tremendous comfort to me. I hope it's a comfort to you as well, and I hope you're inspired to grow blueberries.
If you have any questions, or any suggestions for follow up articles or unrelated articles you'd like to see on this blog, please leave me a comment below, or comment on the Facebook article you probably found this from. I'd love to hear from you.